The Future of Archery.
What is to become of the future of archery? It has been around for a long time.
Can it survive the future? Can it survive animal rights groups? If we as archers make an effort to grow our sport I believe archery can survive.
Let us start with our own children. Kids learn by example primarily, so as stewards of our kids future endeavors if we include them in the sport more than likely they will grow up to love archery as much as we do.
We can enroll our kids in JOAD, or a 4H type of event and even try to get archery in schools through the NASP program which is a remarkable tool. Kids stay more attentive in school, attendance has went up and student behavior overall is just better. Seems like a good thing to me.
Ok, say you don't have kids. You can volunteer at local levels wit local clubs and events or even join a national organization like ASA. No matter what their is something that just about anyone can do to further the sport of archery.
I would love to encourage you to take an active roll in our sport, and get involved with kids or neighbors and take them to an archery event. Give them your old equipment to get them started. I have met so many good people through archery, that I am very proud to be involved in this great sport. Now get out and go fling some arrows.
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