Accuracy in archery.
Let's replace accuracy with stable. I think stable is a better word. Look at the two words. Accuracy is the result of something. Stability is the inherent nature of what we seek in archery. Consistent is another great word to use instead of accuracy.
I love the idea of my equipment being consistently stable even better. So let's analyze some of these traits. Start with strings. If you have a lousy set that is always stretching and changing, it seems to me to be impossible to attain consistency or stability.
Cam timing changes, nock points change, anchor points change all causing inconsistencies. The road to stability should start with great strings and cables that do not twist, stretch or rotate never reacting the same from shot to shot.
The next part of the puzzle should be arrows. We should shoot the arrows that have the most consistent reaction from shot to shot. Yes, even if they are expensive.
What do the pros shoot? The cheapest arrows they can find? Nope. They tend to shoot the straightest and best flying arrows they can get.
This blog entry could go on for a good long while about this subject, but let's keep it simple for now. If you want your bow to better than take some of these tidbits and try them for yourself and see if they don't help you a bit in being consistently better in archery.
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