Thursday, March 13, 2008

Range set up day!

Today is the day we usually set up the range and prepare for the upcoming 3d tournament.
This one will be an ASA qualifier so we will only set up 20 targets. It is always a challenge to set up new shots or something that is thought provoking. It is good to challenge ourselves as archers, but again not make a shot so difficult that a beginner can't have fun too.

Not being left handed you tend to not think that way. We set up a great shot one time...for right handers. My friend is left handed, and during the tournament we came to this shot and he stated I can't make this one. Huh? I says. So I look at it from his perspective and walla.. there is a big tree right in the arrows path. So then on we started learning to make shots for short, tall right and left handers.

Anyway, the 3D course can be a fun place. Safety first though. Gotta have good lanes and clear paths. Marked and numbered targets and trails, and lastly colored stakes so everyone knows where to shoot from so the competition is fair for each class.

Off to the range so we don't have to work till dark thirty.

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